Working groups
We are divided in working groups focused on the following projects.
If you want to join a working group or you have any questions, contact the project coordinators!
- Ciclope is a tool to create micro finite element (microFE) models from micro computed tomography (microCT) 3D images
Gianluca Iori and Martino Pani
- HipPyFemur is a tool to create finite elements models of the hip from computed tomography (CT) images
Coordinator: Lorenzo Grassi
High-Res CT
- ORMIR_XCT is a Python package for processing high resolution peripheral computed tomography (HR-pQCT) images
Michael Kuczynski
- pyKNEEr is a tool for open and reproducible segmentation and analysis of knee magnetic resonance images
Serena Bonaretti
- Dafne (Deep Anatomical Federated Network) is a collaborative platform to annotate MRI images and train machine learning models without your data ever leaving your machine.
Coordinator: Francesco Santini
Data management and sharing
- We are developing a fully automated pipeline to generate a patient-specific finite element model from low-resolution clinical MRI using deep learning-based segmentation and statistical shape modeling
Coordinator: Fabio Galbusera