We are extremely excited that you want to join us!
In this page, find how to join us and how to learn more about Open Science

How to join the ORMIR community

Write us! We will answer all your questions about the ORMIR community
and support you in finding your way to contribute!

Contact us!

Learning more about Open Science

Start warming up about Open Science! If you want to know more about Open Science and the Jupyter/Python environment, here is a collection of ebooks, tutorials, examples of Jupyter notebooks, and cheat sheets. All free and open!
Free eBooks
Video tutorials
Hands-on tutorials
Examples of notebooks in medical image analysis
  • ORMIR community notebooks: Notebooks created by our community!
  • JCMSK notebooks: Our notebooks on musculosketelal imaging-based research
  • Nipype: Several notebook tutorials on how to use Nipype (neuroimaging)
  • DLTK: Examples for a deep learning package
Examples of notebooks in other fields
Cheat sheets